Week Calendar

Lighthouse Point Library card is required for most Library programs

Age Group
Age Group
Program Type

Primary tabs

On narrow displays, the weekly calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view events and reservations for the whole week.
Time Sun (3/16) Mon (3/17) Tue (3/18) Wed (3/19) Thu (3/20) Fri (3/21) Sat (3/22)
9 am
This event is in the "CDBG Seniors" group.


9:00am - 9:45am
CDBG Seniors
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Dixon Ahl Hall
Age Group: CDBG Seniors
Program Type: Health & Wellness
Seats Remaining: 0

In-person Registration at the Library is required.
This is an in-person, indoor program.   
Library Volunteer: Diane McEwan.  
Participants should bring a yoga mat, yoga block, towel, and water to each class. Participants who have completed three or more CDBG yoga sessions during this season, may request a take-home yoga mat and blocks (for home practice). All class updates will be sent via email. Request for supplies, general questions, and comments about this program should be directed to Library staff at library@lighthousepoint.com.  Participants are pulled from the waitlist by lottery. 
Open to Lighthouse Point residents ages 62 and over.       



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

This event is in the "CDBG Seniors" group.

CDBG Strength and Resistance Bands

9:00am - 9:45am
CDBG Seniors
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Dixon Ahl Hall
Age Group: CDBG Seniors
Program Type: Health & Wellness
Seats Remaining: 0

In-person Registration at the Library is required.    
Library Volunteer: Diane McEwan.  
Participants should bring a towel and water to each class. Strength bands will be available for use during the class (or bring your own). Participants who have completed three or more CDBG Strength Band sessions during this season, may request a set of take-home strength bands (for home practice). Request for supplies, general questions, and comments about this program should be directed to Library staff at library@lighthousepoint.com. All class updates will be sent via email.  Participants are pulled from the waitlist by lottery. 
Open to Lighthouse Point residents ages 62 and over.     



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

10 am
This event is in the "CDBG Seniors" group.

CDBG Tech Assist

10:00am - 12:00pm
CDBG Seniors
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Library Floor
Age Group: CDBG Seniors
Program Type: Technology Class
Seats Remaining: 0

In-person Registration at the Library is required.   

During this 45-minute one-on-one session, learn the basic functions of your favorite software, technology, or Library digital offering. Participants should bring their fully charged device with all passwords required to download Apps.   Please call the Library to learn more. Sorry, walk-in appointments are not available.   

Open to Lighthouse Point residents ages 62 and over.  



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Knitting with Nancy

10:30am - 12:00pm
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Knitting & Crochet
Seats Remaining: 3

Registration is required.   

Presented by Library Volunteer Nancy Crockett. 

Learn to knit or crochet from lifelong yarn artist and library volunteer!  New participants should bring Red Heart Super Saver Worsted Yarn, Size 8 Knitting Needles, Size G or H Crochet Hook with them to class.

Please remember late arrivals do not extend the class meeting time and if no participants have arrived 15-minutes after the scheduled start time, the session will be canceled.



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

This event is in the "Babies 0 to 3 years" group.
This event is in the "Youth 4 to 6 years" group.
This event is in the "Youth 7 to 11 years" group.
This event is in the "Families" group.

Family Story Time with Dr. Molly

10:30am - 11:30pm
Babies 0 to 3 years, Youth 4 to 6 years, Youth 7 to 11 years, Families
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Children's area
Age Group: Babies 0 to 3 years, Youth 4 to 6 years, Youth 7 to 11 years, Families
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 1
Event Details:

Audience: All Ages

Online Registration Required. 

Build early learning skills through the joys of movement, books, and song. Library Story Time! may include short stories, songs, finger play, flannel boards, crafts, or other educational elements. Registration is for all dates. 

No session on April 18 (Good Friday)



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Family Programs

Children under 7 must attend Library programs with their favorite adult.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
This event is in the "CDBG Seniors" group.

CDBG Paper Quilling: In the Garden

2:30pm - 3:30pm
CDBG Seniors
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: CDBG Seniors
Program Type: Crafts
Seats Remaining: 2

In-person Registration at the Library is required. Participants are selected by lottery. The form is available at the library during business hours
Audience: Lighthouse Point Residents 62+
Registration is for all dates

New and returning paper artists will learn quilling techniques to create holiday cards. 
In-class supplies provided.



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

3 pm
4 pm
This event is in the "CDBG Seniors" group.

CDBG Zoom Book Club

4:00pm - 5:00pm
CDBG Seniors
Virtual Event
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Online
Age Group: CDBG Seniors
Program Type: Book Club
Seats Remaining: 7
Event Details:

In-person registration required. Interactive Program via Zoom with volunteer moderator John Spera and Library staff.

Hosted the third Wednesday of the month.  Course and supplies are supported by funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Per CDBG guidelines, CDBG programs are only open to Lighthouse Point residents ages 62 and over. In-person enrollment and registration at the Library is required.  

Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt

1987. The only person who has ever truly understood fourteen-year-old June Elbus is her uncle, the renowned painter Finn Weiss.

This event is in the "Youth 4 to 6 years" group.
This event is in the "Youth 7 to 11 years" group.
This event is in the "Families" group.

Family S.T.E.A.M Labs with Dr. Molly

4:00pm - 5:00pm
Youth 4 to 6 years, Youth 7 to 11 years, Families
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Youth 4 to 6 years, Youth 7 to 11 years, Families
Program Type: STEAM
Seats Remaining: 11
Event Details:

Audience: Ages 4-11.

Lab Time with Dr. Molly.

No session on April 3rd.

Online Registration Required.



If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at library@lighthousepoint.com.

Family Programs

Children under 7 must attend Library programs with their favorite adult.

Photo Release

Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact library@lighthousepoint.com to let us know and the library will honor that request.

5 pm
6 pm
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Library Advisory Board (LAB)

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Library Branch: Lighthouse Point Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Community

With the support of library staff, the Library Advisory Board reviews library operations, policies, collections, budgets, and planning.  The 6:30pm meeting time is set by City policy and a quorum of four members is required for each session. Meetings are in the library after patron hours and are open to the public.  City Commission Appointed LAB Members:  Nancy Cohen (Chair), Victoria Anderson,  Carolyn Bergamini, Mary D’Angelo, Linda Hinkle, James L. Neff, and Sandra Trentacoste.