Lighthouse Point Library 2200 NE 38th St. Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 United States
Audience: All Ages
Online Registration Required.
Build early learning skills through the joys of movement, books, and song. Library Story Time! may include short stories, songs, finger play, flannel boards, crafts, or other educational elements. Registration is for all dates.
No session on April 18 (Good Friday)
If you need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library at
Children under 7 must attend Library programs with their favorite adult.
Staff often take pictures during library programs. The library uses photos in its publicity, in social media, and on its website. If you do not want your photo (or your child) used, please contact to let us know and the library will honor that request.
In-person Registration at the Library is required. Participants are selected by lottery. The form is available at the library during business hoursAudience: Lighthouse Point Residents 62+Registration is for all dates
New and returning paper artists will learn quilling techniques to create holiday cards. In-class supplies provided.
Registration is required.
Presented by Library Volunteer Nancy Crockett.
Learn to knit or crochet from lifelong yarn artist and library volunteer! New participants should bring Red Heart Super Saver Worsted Yarn, Size 8 Knitting Needles, Size G or H Crochet Hook with them to class.
Please remember late arrivals do not extend the class meeting time and if no participants have arrived 15-minutes after the scheduled start time, the session will be canceled.
Audience: Ages 4-11.
Lab Time with Dr. Molly.
No session on April 3rd.
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